‘Sakshi’ Narendra is a Mystic – Blessed for Business – Career – Life Miraculous Solutions Just by Name and Age without DOB or Horoscope. He is a Founder – 3 Steps Magik – World’s #1 Personalised Abundance Program Without ‘Rituals’.

“Everything on this Earth can be googled, except Knowing Yourself.”

You are born Unique. You are born with a Magnificent Purpose. Knowing yourself and knowing this purpose starts when you decide to be your Authentic Self. This Self-discovery is a major growth opportunity for the Soul and of great service to the other Souls.

‘Sakshi’ Narendra is a ‘SEE-ER’ blessed with Mystic Vision and Divine Voice. These blessings are bestowed upon him by DIVINE GRACE thru’ the path of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He, in a state of ‘Just Witness’, TELLS about you, your Uniqueness, your Life Purpose, your Life Problems, your Behavioural Patterns, Energy Leakages just by name and age, without DOB and Horoscope. He also guides you for Remedial Measures for Physical, Mental & Financial Wellness to channel Life Energy towards Life Goal for overall Holistic Material Riches and Spiritual Growth.

“He is blessed with the Mystic Vision – See the Unseen. He will be known as the Miracle Man of 21st century. Whatever he will say will become Truth- those will be HIS words spoken through him. Whosoever will come to him with full trust and surrender, his desire will be fulfilled. That has blessings…. He will be instrumental in bringing happiness and spreading love and meditation to hundred thousands of people throughout the world as a Light to the coming Generations.”

Our Guiding Light – Parampujya Guru Bhagwan

‘Sakshi’ Narendra 24×7 Meditation on Life is a quantum shift to a system of wisdom that helps seekers from knowing ‘Who Am I’ to Self-Realization to Self-Stabilization. Having worked extensively on Mind and Mystic Sciences behind the way the Universe and Mind works, he guides you on Mind Power, Prosperity & Abundance through life transforming Divine talks & Personal meetings.

Messenger of Universal Brotherhood – He believes that world peace is possible only through the path of Meditation and Love. Only when the person is at peace ‘within’, there will be peace in family, which then will be expressed through Love in the society.

His mission is to bring smile on the faces of people by solving their life problems through Negativity Removal and guiding them for inner transformation of energy for Everlasting Happiness along with worldly riches.

Welcome to the World of Infinite Energy!!       – Your Divine Friend in the journey called LIFE