क्या है वास्तविक संन्यास ?

राजनीति में तो धोखा,फरेब और जालसाजी आम बात है। मगर धर्म, अध्यात्म में भी ये कुछ नया नहीं है। आए दिन समाचारों में सुनते पढ़ते हैं राजनेताओं के कारनामे। जब पूरा समाज ही नकारात्मकता से भरा हो तो साधु संत समाज भी कैसे उस से मुक्त रह सकता है। हमने हाल ही में गुरु-शिष्य के…


Right from childhood every child learns a technique on how to invite attention from others. A child knows very well that when he gets hurt or when he is unhappy, everybody around him becomes sympathetic and thus he gets attention from them. From the beginning of childhood, the child learns this politics of getting attention.…


All Enlightened Masters put significant importance to Choicelessness Awareness. Introvert and extrovert are the two extremes. Eastern men propagates the theory of inner peace and he is always seen in Meditation searching for his inner being. All Mystics and poets are of this introvert category. On the other side western man is extrovert looking for…


Whole existence feels blissful, dances with joy and ecstasy when any individual experiences the Sublime Emptiness. It is because, this phenomenon of Sublime Emptiness is rare and the whole Existence waits for the occasion when any individual experiences that state. It is just like a mother waiting to see her son stand on the podium…


Emptiness, to become completely void is the pre-condition to Experience Self. One cannot be with his own Beingness if he is argumentative. Mind is constant chattering. Mind is full of philosophies, doctrines and scriptures of all types and kinds. This cup needs to be emptied. Not only that, it needs to be broken completely. Only…


It often happens that after an unpleasant experience in our lives we shield ourselves from living Life fully and freely. We become afraid of getting hurt again. Fearful that something bad will happen again. A student, if he fails in the exams feels that he will never succeed in life. A lady, who has experienced…


Everyone desires for success, but there is also an Ultimate state that remains to be attained beyond the pinnacles of success. No, it is not the one that you think about. Becoming a famous person or becoming successful in the material world or becoming an ace in fulfilling all your dreams is not it. All…


ऐसा हुआ कि दूर पहाड़ियों में एक चरवाहा अपनी गाय भैंसों को रोज सुबह चराने ले जाता। गाय भैंस को चरने छोड़ वह खुद बांसुरी की मधुर वाणी से सुंदर गीत गाता। यही उसका नित्यक्रम था। पास के गांव के कुछ मित्र आपस में बात कर रहे थे। एक ने कहा – सुना है अपने…


“A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.” Don’t try to swim, Just go with the flow. The one who trusts his own strengths to withstand the storms in life is going to perish, while the one who bends and sways with the wind will survive. Jesus says, only the child…


Have you ever wondered why every individual is so stressed? Why does he always feel deprived of happiness? Have you ever seen any of the birds, animals, trees, rivers, mountains or anything in nature feeling so miserable as the human race is? Every human being lives by his head. He has become so headiest that…