Emptiness, to become completely void is the pre-condition to Experience Self. One cannot be with his own Beingness if he is argumentative. Mind is constant chattering. Mind is full of philosophies, doctrines and scriptures of all types and kinds. This cup needs to be emptied. Not only that, it needs to be broken completely.
Only then the Divine can sit on the throne. That is what a truly Religious mind is all about. Totally innocent – a non philosophical mind.
A seeker, when he asked the Master to teach him knowledge; got the reply from the master – first, Empty yourself. Our head is full of knowledge. Nothing can be poured in it. First it needs to be emptied, cleansed and only then something can be poured. Else it will spill. Nothing in this entire world can help you empty yourself except Meditation. Only meditation makes it possible to cleanse out of that which has been stored together in the mind since many births. This Emptiness is Surrender.
Total Surrender. It is Absolute. Means the seeker cannot say – I have surrended. Who is this I? Still there is a duality. Only when the seeker and the sought both do not exist, only the beingness remains, it is called the Absolute Surrender. Breaking up the cup. Else this is also Ego, a subtle one though – at deep levels. This hidden Ego is more dangerous, more deadly than the ego which everyone is generally aware of. Basically, this is the Experience of Conscious Death. Where mind is no more. Consciously passing thru’ death will make you become aware of Life. You will not be dead. Your mind will be…
Actually, that was the obstructing part, blockage for manifesting the unmanifested. It was the clouds in front of the shining sun. That mind obstructs the Experience of Truth.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra @mysticvision.net