It often happens that after an unpleasant experience in our lives we shield ourselves from living Life fully and freely. We become afraid of getting hurt again. Fearful that something bad will happen again. A student, if he fails in the exams feels that he will never succeed in life. A lady, who has experienced…


Everyone desires for success, but there is also an Ultimate state that remains to be attained beyond the pinnacles of success. No, it is not the one that you think about. Becoming a famous person or becoming successful in the material world or becoming an ace in fulfilling all your dreams is not it. All…


ऐसा हुआ कि दूर पहाड़ियों में एक चरवाहा अपनी गाय भैंसों को रोज सुबह चराने ले जाता। गाय भैंस को चरने छोड़ वह खुद बांसुरी की मधुर वाणी से सुंदर गीत गाता। यही उसका नित्यक्रम था। पास के गांव के कुछ मित्र आपस में बात कर रहे थे। एक ने कहा – सुना है अपने…


“A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.” Don’t try to swim, Just go with the flow. The one who trusts his own strengths to withstand the storms in life is going to perish, while the one who bends and sways with the wind will survive. Jesus says, only the child…


Have you ever wondered why every individual is so stressed? Why does he always feel deprived of happiness? Have you ever seen any of the birds, animals, trees, rivers, mountains or anything in nature feeling so miserable as the human race is? Every human being lives by his head. He has become so headiest that…

मोक्ष क्या है ?

धर्म और अध्यात्म उन गिने-चुने कुछ लोगों की बातें हैं जो स्वयं को दांव पर लगाने के लिए तैयार हों। क्योंकि स्वयं को मिटाए बिना परम का अनुभव नहीं हो सकता ! बूंद अगर स्वयं को मिटाए बिना सागर से मिलना चाहती हो तो यह हो ही नहीं सकता। यह तो हो सकता है कि…


The only art to get specialized from my point of view is the art of complete surrender. Just be a NON-DOER, only the witness, A Witnessing Consciousness. But how can one achieve this state of non-doing while still doing all worldly chores? That is the million dollar question!! Loosen yourself. Loosening is no lesser than…


Often we are faced with situations in our daily lives when everything that we may ever need for a fulfilled life is still waiting to manifest in our life. Our Wishlist doesn’t get complete. It stops midway. We ponder upon why we are stuck in spite of all our affirmations, positivity etc. It is because…


Life is too short to fight and argue with your loved ones, give them love and care as much as you can. Be the person who cares. Be the person who makes an effort, who loves without hesitation. Losing in love and winning the heart of the opposite person. Be the person who makes people…


Sometimes a problem is only a problem because you keep trying to solve it. Once you accept what can’t be fixed, problem becomes a reality that exists. Just accepting the problem with both the hands, takes the power out of the problem. By not accepting the problem, we make the problem most powerful and hence…