Every tiny tots who listened to everything you said & completely believed is not always a tiny tot whole thru’ his life. Adolescence is going to come at one moment or the other in his life. It is where an Individual starts to find meaning of one’s life. This is the time when children feel like young birds who have just known to fly. And as a parent it is no doubt your fundamental duty to protect your children from any harm. But sometimes like they say ” Dad, you don’t know” and you need to let go. I know it is very difficult to see your child go right in front of you but you need to remember that you also even your childhood days passed thru’ this phase when you were young. A right balance & right kind of understanding is important so that can be imparted to children. Giving freedom is healthy & here again comes a limit. This independence should come with restrictions set by both the child and parents. Again I feel that the parents who meditate are in a better position to handle their child. In this times of adolescent phase compare to the ones with heavy mind. Because children won’t listen to such parents as they feel they themselves have to prove their worth.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra@mysticvision.net