“A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall.” Don’t try to swim, Just go with the flow.
The one who trusts his own strengths to withstand the storms in life is going to perish, while the one who bends and sways with the wind will survive.
Jesus says, only the child will enter the Kingdom of God. A childlike purity is needed to come in that egolessness state which makes you utmost flexible to the will of God. Just like the reed calmly surrenders to the windstorm, we too need to surrender ourselves to the flow of life. Stubbornness is the sign of Negativity while the attitude of Total Acceptance leads to total surrender. And then start the Miracles in life. Become empty within, just becoming the witnesser of all tendencies, of all Mind Patterns. Only when the witnesser becomes empty, then the Truth is revealed. This truth is then manifested outside in a total harmony of body-mind mechanism. You do all doings but as a non-doer. Our body-mind becomes instrumental for the spreading of love, harmony, peace & compassion for others because now you live with that EXPERIENCE.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra is a Spiritual Mystic mysticvision.net