Every child is born pure, virgin & blissful. As the child grows older he starts identifying himself with Mind, body, emotions & start losing his true nature. This results in attracting innumerable miseries in life. Because the child is now detached from his true nature ,a feeling of doership arises in him. This feeling of doership brings stress & related symptoms like anxiety, depression, overthinking, low self confidence, Guilt and many psychosomatic diseases. In order to get release from this stress sex functions as a pressure valve. You may have noticed every house wife uses a pressure cooker with a valve in the kitchen. This pressure valve releases the pressure when the food is cooked. Similarly sex also is a stress reliever. When the body goes into sex although the person experience a momentary bliss but his whole vital source energy is sucked up. For the seeker who wants to move into meditation & experience the everlasting happiness this sexual intercourse is the biggest obstacle. In short the vicious circle of Identification, moving away from the true nature, stream of desires, stress within the body, sexual intercourse, loss of energy and thereby no life transformation goes on and on. The Hindu mythology calls it as Maya – Sansar. In order to break this vicious circle seeker is asked to practice total relaxation every hour. Put a alarm in your mobile that reminds you to watch your breadth for two minutes every hour so that you attain relaxation and come back into the present moment. This will conserve your energy which will help the seeker to move into meditation and thereby helping in for life transformation.