Osho says…Sadness gives depth, Happiness gives heights. Sadness gives roots, happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky and sadness is like the roots going deep down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed simultaneously so that the tree goes higher and also deeper. Bigger the tree the bigger will be the roots. A mother bears the pain for 9 months and than she rejoices with the birth of a new life. Sadness and happiness are always in proportion, in balance. True intense happiness cannot exist in isolation from the emotion of sadness. If we forget and become reluctant to accept sadness than we are escaping from the beauty of life. If you do that you miss the basic experience of life. Than you live a mundane life eating, sleeping and dying. Living with an open heart means now you are ready to embrace all that comes to your way in order to live a rich life with marvelous experiences. It’s up to us to choose the way we want to live. You can either complain about your present state of affairs or you can become positive. Accept things as they are. Learn lessons from the past and move on, Live a wonderful life with Mystic positivity.