The source of all Life problem in life is our unawareness – non consciousness. Message of Gautam, The Buddha is simple. To turn inward. The message is simple but the way is arduous. Arduous because we are accustomed to see outside. Object is our focus. We are so oblivious towards the things outside that we forget the real thing. This forgetfulness can only be rectified by Meditation. Meditation is the method to create a gap away from thoughts, desires. Imagination, Memories. This gap is Third eye. It is closed because it is covered by illusion of thoughts, Desires, Imagination & memories. Only when this gap is unfolded that we can experience bliss. And then starts the true life. The most ugly thing in life is that we live our whole life as Carbon copy. We are born original, but we forget to live original. And hence we are not able to tap our full potential for abundance. We immulate others, follow the crowd & make our life miserable. The whole effort of Meditation is to shift the focus from the object on oneself. We forget ourselves & we go on remembering, memorising, scriptures, theology and all kinds of memory based stuff. To remember ourself is to go on inner voyage to rediscover yourself. The way is Meditation & the process is to live life with Awareness.