Buddha’s teachings never involves God, but instead revolves around Emptiness or Nothingness. He gives the understanding of Emptiness as our Being, our Centre – the Source. All our sufferings and mind patterns are at the periphery.
Our Centre is our Beingness. If we treat our sufferings as the centre then life is full of agony & exactly opposite to that if we reach at the centre, we become Blissful, we experience Everlasting Happiness. Then all of mind’s patterns of fear, lust, hate, jealousy etc move away to the periphery – on the circumference.
As we become witness to our own self and by and by become one with our self, we experience our Centre – the never ending flame of light. All Enlightened Masters emphasize much importance to sufferings in life. Sufferings can be means of attaining Bliss. It can be blessings for the seeker to move towards knowing Who am I? But for the absence of understanding, the whole life becomes nothing but a melancholy affair. Wisdom comes thru’ sufferings. Only during the sufferings, man kindles the desire to sit in Silence. This paves the way for Acceptance. Acceptance of one’s misfortunes dissolves the sufferings. If you fight with them, they multiply.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra@ www.mysticvision.net