Journey towards enlightenment should start from the body. Journey towards enlightenment should start from inside out that is from the roots & ultimately to the flowers. When a seeker walks on the inner path, it results into aligning oneself to the roots. There can be a different Journey – Outside to In. Our present education system has its basis on this journey. We are taught; Love your enemy, love your neighbor & we are taught sympathy towards all but this never happens. These moral duties never get articulated in reality. The question is not loving some body but the real question is whether you are a loving being? Ask yourself – Do you love yourself? The person who loves himself will definitely love his neighbor, not only that he will shower upon the same love on his enemy. Because one who loves himself knows his true nature & one who knows his true nature sees the same in one and all. He looses his individuality & thereby he becomes love himself. Our whole religion is based on the word ‘Should’ and not on ‘Is’. The journey which is based on the word ‘should’ is outward to inward journey whereas the inside out journey starts from the foundation of ‘Is’. In that case we get freedom from the hypothetical God which you never saw or can never see.